How a stylist helps
I’ve been in business now for over 30 years.
During that time I’ve seen many changes – in fashion, the way people buy, the relaxing and ultimate breakdown of established dress codes.
looking for personality Style know how?
• How to do smart casual
• What to wear after 5 these days
• How to go from casual to dressy in a flash
• How to pack for an overseas holiday
Did you know ... most of us only wear 20% of what is in our wardrobe?
Do you suffer from closet overwhelm?
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say “I’ve got a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear”. That’s why I developed the Wardrobe Workout, sometimes referred to as a Wardrobe Makeover or Wardrobe Review and Declutter.
Typically you are emotionally attached to what is in your wardrobe. You like the fabric, you remember the event, you like the size you were - but it’s time to let go.
Many of you will have a closet full of ‘good’ corporate clothes but nothing to wear every day. And some of you will have left the corporate world years ago.
A wardrobe makeover starts with a conversation
What do you do? What is your lifestyle? What sorts of events do you go to - or not? What is working for you and what isn't working for you in your wardrobe?
Next we review what’s in your wardrobe
We put your entire wardrobe onto the bed and review your clothes item by item. Only clothes that suit you and your lifestyle – and make you feel great – go back into your wardrobe.
During this process we will:
• Identify clothes that don’t fit or don’t look good on you
• See if you have the basics of a wardrobe that works
• Mix and match what in your wardrobe to create new outfits
• Develop a list of items to purchase that will update your look
Enjoy a beautifully organised wardrobe full of clothes you love
In the end you will have 3 piles of clothing
1. Clothes to go to charity – and clothes to be thrown away
2. Items that I call orphans because they need something to go with them
3. Clothes to be altered
You are left with a clean, organised wardrobe containing only clothes that you would love to wear tomorrow.
Clients tell me they feel it is the most cathartic thing they have ever done! You can read what some of them have to say.
Finally, we go shopping to get those missing items. And, we stay within your budget.